Kildalton College Win Challenges Day on Home Soil
Kildalton College in Piltown, County Kilkenny was the host for the 2024 Macra & Teagasc Colleges Challenges Day on 14th February 2024. Teams of twelve students from Teagasc and private agricultural colleges around the country competed in sport, presentations, and land based skills learned during the college year such as stock judging, tractor driving, fencing and teamwork challenges. It was very close competition all day, with the outcome being decided at the final challenge. Many thanks to everyone who organised a competitive and enjoyable day. Thanks to Kildalton college for hosting the event and to the staff and judges from Marca, Teagasc, Farm Relief Services (FRS), National Broadband Ireland (NBI) and to Michelle Foley and her team from Tug of War Ireland (TOWI).
The FRS Memorial Scholarship Presentation has been a long term feature of the Macra and Teagasc Colleges Challenges Day. The topic this year was Leadership in Sustainability- Focusing on Biodiversity. Collette McInerney Head of Operations at Farm Relief Services said: “It was wonderful to support and be a judge for the FRS Memorial Scholarship Presentation. I was really impressed with the quality, the content, and the obvious work that went into each presentation. It was great to see a group of competitors from such diverse backgrounds levelling up to compete. It is a great testament to their college. Congratulations to Alana Brigdale from Mountbellew Agricultural College for winning the Presentation, and Clonakilty Agricultural College for winning the FRS fencing competition."
National Broadband Ireland (NBI) sponsored the Farm Business and Technology Award for the third year in a row. Niall Beirne, Head of Strategic Partnerships at NBI commented, “Congratulations to the students from Kildalton College on their success on winning the NBI Farm Business & Technology Award. This year the students were tasked with demonstrating how fibre broadband is benefiting their farm business. In keeping with previous years, there was a very high standard, and it was clear to the judging panel that a significant amount of research and thought had gone into the submissions. It was great to see different themes emerge as the students highlighted productivity benefits, sustainability benefits, cost savings, as well as social connections as just some of the benefits of high speed, reliable broadband. It was great to hear first-hand the impact that NBI is having on the sustainable development of farms, as well as wider rural communities.”
Elaine Houlihan, Macra President said: “Macra are delighted to support and run such a successful event with Teagasc, FRS, NBI and TOWI. All the students who participated in this year's Colleges Challenges day were exceptional and we would like to thank everyone who participated. Young farmers and rural people play a crucial role in our organisation, and it is great to see the up-and-coming generation of young farmers across the board. Congratulations to Kildalton College on winning this year's Colleges Challenge Day."
Dr AnneMarie Butler, Head of Education, Teagasc said; "The annual Challenges Day is a key event on the Teagasc Education calendar. It's great to see learners and staff from all the colleges getting to know each other, competing and having fun. With the variety of challenges, there is an event for all interests and skills. We are delighted to work with Macra, FRS, NBI and TOWI in bringing this event to fruition and wish all learners continued best wishes in their courses and personal development."
The winners of the different challenges were:
- Tug of War – Kildalton College
- Simulator Challenge – Clonakilty Agricultural College
- NBI Farm Business and Technology Award – Kildalton College
- FRS Scholarship – Mountbellew Agricultural College
- Stock Judging - Mountbellew Agricultural College
- Team Tractor Driving Competition – Clonakilty Agricultural College
- FRS Fencing – Clonakilty Agricultural College
- Problem Solving Competition – Kildalton College
- Final Team Challenge – Kildalton College
- Overall winners – Kildalton Agricultural College
Date of Press Release: 15th February, 2024