Member benefits

Macra membership means different things to different people. The beauty is, there is something in it for everyone – you can make of it what you wish!
Among the main benefits are:
- Social Activity: Attend social events with your local club and build an invaluable social network and lifelong friends
- Community Engagement: Contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of your local community
- A Voice for Rural Ireland: Allow your voice to be heard on rural issues by contributing to policy development and programmes
- Travel Opportunities: Apply for a range of scholarship programmes, international youth and farmer exchange programmes involving international travel
- Training Opportunities: Avail of heavily discounted training opportunities through Macra Agricultural Skillnet
- Personal Achievement:
- Sports Competitions: GAA, Indoor Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Tag Rugby, Bowling
- Performance Competitions: Public Speaking, Debating, Talent Competitions, Amateur Drama and Capers
- Farming Competitions: Young Farmer of the Year, Livestock Judging, Farm Skills
- Young Driver Discount: 15% affinity discount on FBD Insurance young driver policy
- Land Mobility Service: Members can benefit from unrestricted access to Land Mobility Services Facilitators. This service provides support for succession planning and family opportunities. More information available
- Member Offers: Access a range of offers and discounts on a range of popular services
- Fuel Card: Get a free Circle K fuel card through Macra na Feirme and avail of 3 cent per litre off pump price on Diesel & Unleaded fuel - Read More >>