Student Fund Must include All Agriculture Students
Press Release: Tuesday, 13th October 2020
Macra na Feirme has welcomed the allocation of an additional €50m for 3rd level student supports by Minister Michael McGrath, Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform. The funding is for extra supports for students across the 3rd level sector.
Speaking after the Budget, Macra na Feirme President Thomas Duffy said “While we welcome the announcement for all 3rd level students, Minister McGrath must ensure that Agricultural College Students are included in this funding. Earlier this summer, Minister Harris allocated €18m of similar funding which excluded agricultural college students studying in Ireland’s agricultural colleges.”
“The Government is constantly reminding us that “we are in this together” in our response to Covid-19. We are appealing to the Government to ensure that Agricultural college students are not excluded from accessing this supportive funding. Do not discriminate agricultural college students and do not make them 2nd class students. All we are asking for is parity of access to supportive measures with all other peers studying in the 3rd level education system.” warned President Duffy.
“Macra na Feirme are awaiting further detail on these schemes, and we hope that those responsible will listen to calls by Macra to treat our 6,000 agricultural college students equally, as after all their needs are identical to any student,” concluded President Duffy.