Will budget 2025 deliver for young farmers

Will budget 2025 deliver for young farmers

Will budget 2025 deliver for young farmers, Macra asks

Over the past number of weeks members of Macra have been lobbying elected representatives throughout the country along with their National President Elaine Houlihan meeting with the Taoiseach. “Our asks are simple, we need action now for succession, we need to see a succession scheme to aid the transition of farms throughout Ireland, to ensure there is a next generation of farmers,” said Ms. Houlihan

Macra has highlighted over the past decade the need for our government to act on succession, with the increasing age of the farming population in Ireland it is becoming more worrying for the sector with only 6.9% of farmers in Ireland under 35 years of age.

This year’s budget needs to delivery for the farming communities of Ireland, its more than ever we need to see the government back agriculture,” continued Elaine. Along with succession another one of Macra’s key asks is around its Mental Health initiative – Make the Moove, we are asking for funding to ensure the services continue to serve people throughout rural Ireland.

Currently Make the Moove offer subsided counselling, a crisis response team, awareness talks and are developing training with the UCD Agri Mental Health group. Houlihan said “Make the Moove needs funding more than ever right now, we are currently running at capacity, and it is vital we get funding to continue the work that we are currently undertaking helping farmers and rural dwellers in IrelandOver the past number of months, we have seen the conversation grow regarding farmers mental health in Ireland, so why not back and support an initiative that’s already working to help meet the needs in our society.

Houlihan concluded “Succession and mental health go hand in hand in some situations, so it is now time our ministers and government listen to the next generation and back our asks, as someone once backed them".